FIVE years. I waited five years for today. Yup collection for GCE O level results. 5 years cause i was NA stream(NOT ASHAMED). Last night i had the wildest imaginations of "what ifs". Like what if i get 13/15/20+ points or worse. What if i had to retake O levels again this year. How the hell was i gonna react. Took me AWHILE to K.O. with all those dreadful thoughts. Few years back i thought 10 points was no biggie. Really. I practically thought O's was easy shit. BUT NO ITS ALL A LIE. ITS HARD. That's if you don't work hard.
So for those people who ask. "Is O level hard?" That's your answer. I promise you it won't be that tough as long as you study hard and smart. Did i? No lol i'm a last minute mugger. Blame it on my procrastination. I officially started studying like 2 weeks before prelims even though i told myself i'd start in June. Aiya almost everyone does that. I guess you can too, but really save yourself the trouble from all that last minute stress. Consistency is the key point. SO START EARLY! Last minute studying won't work as well if you don't pay attention in class. I'm not some guru but this is based on my own experience. For those taking O's this year. Put your phones aside during lessons, don't sleep in class and just pay attention. I know some distractions are hard to put aside but currently O/N's is one of the most important mountain you have to climb. You're gonna want to listen to what advice your teacher has for you. You won't get anything better than that. I think:P
I was a horrible student. Don't ever learn from me. I got in trouble with my school countless of times. And there was this period when i got into really deep shit. TWICE. I even had to see my DM every morning so that she could check on me. It's not something to be proud of but this has definitely shaped me to who i am today. If not, i think i'll be this little immature bimbo lol. I'm just glad i woke up from that nonsense and moved on to become a better person. I'll say i hated my school. I hated the teachers, dm, principal and my schoolmates. At that point of time everyone basically SUCKED. I had a bad mentality:P. I hated my school so so much i almost transferred to an international school. Like i got the transfer documents done and contacted the school and all but somehow my dad made me stay. I'm grateful for that. Because like i said, i wouldn't be who i am today without my schools ridiculous upbringing. So St Margaret's is a really good school i must admit. Send your daughters there guys.
Back to what you're here for. MY RESULTS! I was really worried and stressed out when my principal was giving the percentages of passes and all. NA didn't do THAT well. Especially in english. For those who didn't know, i failed my english prelims although i'm from a english speaking family. Wtf right? Don't laugh at me. So i was REALLY stressed about doing badly for english. But then my Principal was naming the outstanding students from express and next moment this came on screen....*glorious moment*
In case you can't see, my name appeared on the "outstanding performance GCE"! Means top 2 in NA? I'm definitely not boasting but i'm just really thankful. No one would've expected it. I swear i was thrilled as hell. I cried, freaking cried....from the excitement and happiness. Sorry my vocab is limited:P When the Principal asked us to stand i simply felt honored. I was just so so so happy(can't find another word for it). I can't emphasize how worth it all of it felt. The mugging, crying, lack of sleep, stressful nights, fights and horrible weight gain from the snacking while studying. Everything was just worth it. But this definitely wouldn't have been possible without the one up there. Thank you God for guiding me every second till this moment. I know it's not solely because of me. But give me some credit too please*haolian moment*.
Hahaha the funny thing is i brought lots of tissue packets cause i knew there'd be lots of tears(girl school problems). But i'm glad the tears i saw were happy satisfactory tears. I shan't say much about this but no matter what your result don't you worry your pretty little mind. Hehehe a part from one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs^_^
( Excuse my many thanks in this para )
A big fat thank you to my form teacher, co-form teachers, basically teachers and whoever who guided me. You played a big role in this. And a even bigger fatter thank you to my family even though your reaction to my results amazes me. My bro: "Whose results did you steal". My sis: "I think they type wrong name". My dad: "Maybe they compute the results wrongly. THANKS AH GUYS. However, I know deep down they're happy for me:D Also Thank you everyone who congratulated me and gave me advices and all. I'm not saying thank you for the sake of it. But i really am thankful deep deep deep down<3
Although my results is better than i expected. i still would've chosen to start early if i could go back in time. I camped in my room studying everyday for hours and hours like some dog. Eat, sleep, study, eat, sleep, study. But i really have to thank my boy too. For those of you who wonder how i maintain my relationship while studying. I can't hahaha! I'll admit my boyfriend is a big fat distraction but this big fat distraction is always pushing me to work harder. He'd appear at my house randomly and show up with cute snacks and tidbits to make me fatter. I'd study for hours ignoring him and he's okay with it. Thank you baby for understanding and encouraging me throughout my mugging period, i appreciate your every small actions. I thank god for him<3
Trust me. Just work hard and push yourself for these few months. It'll all be worth it.
"Do something today that your future self will thank you for"
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Don't try to find me. I'm un-recognizable hahaha |
And thank you SMSS for these unforgettable 5 years. I've made friends that are truly the best and i definitely won't ever RAGRET meeting them<3
sigh I wished my bf was this supportive and sweet at the same time